Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Collecting Both Coins and Stamps

Collecting Both Coins and Stamps
People who have plenty of time to spare can do a lot of things. Some suggest of getting of getting into sports while others can get a hobby.
Those who want a good challenge can do more than one hobby at the same time. A good challenge will be in two of the most popular hobbies in the world namely coin collecting and stamps.
To those who have not done this before, it will good idea to do some research. This should include the tools that are used to preserve it and where this can be acquired.
A good place to get information is in books, asking those who are doing it as a hobby and resources that are available in the internet.
The best thing to do is to focus on a particular time period then get working on it.
The difference between the two is that the person can make more money in coin collecting. Should the person find one that is in good condition and has historical value, the value of it is more than twice what is on the coin.
Another thing that makes coins more valuable is the fact that some are no longer in circulation. Silver coins were used until the 1930’s and after that, these were converted into copper.
Stamps on the other hand don’t have a high value in the market. This is because even old ones are still being used on parcels and packages.
For the person to know the value of the existing collection, coins and stamps have a price catalogue that can be obtained at the hobby shop which serves as guide to its value in the market.
Both coins and stamps need an album to preserve it. This will keep these items in good condition which can be passed on to the next generation or traded for a collection of better value in the future.
This is available in the hobby or book store and can be ordered online. The person should get the refillable type. This will save money in buying an additional album as the collection gets bigger.
Coins and stamps need to be handled with care. This will prevent it from being damaged or discolored that will decrease its value in the market.
The proper way of handling a coin is at its edges. The surface must not be touched by hand since fingerprints can smudge it. Cleaning the coins should be done in water and held in the air to dry. Polish must never be used since it could also damage the coin.  
Stamps on the other hand need special tools. A pair of tongs which is similar to tweezers must be used so that oil or dirt will not damage the surface.
There are many venues where the person can collect stamps and coins. This can happen in conventions and exhibits. All the collector has to do is bring the album then talk with fellow hobbyists who may want to trade.
An auction is another place where business can happen. The only problem is that it will cost a lot of money to bid for a coin. Stamps on the other hand are cheaper because of its availability in the market.
People who do this as a hobby can also do some trading online. The person can advertise the collection on the net and trade it with other items or sell it off and make a decent profit.
Stamps have dealers that make it easy for the collector to add new ones to the collection. These people can be found in the classified ads of the newspaper or online.
Coins on the other don’t have dealers. The best place to deal with it so through contacts in the hobby shop in the club that the person belongs in who may want buy or exchange it for something else.
Stamp and coin collecting have similarities and differences. There are people who have waited years before being able to complete an entire collection. If the person has the patience and the determination to succeed, then this hobby is just right for the person. The individual should just be aware of the rules that go with engaging in it.

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